@article{oai:fukuyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008133, author = {太田, 裕之 and 小野, 泰}, journal = {福山大学工学部紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {P(論文), There is a difference at the ability of the space recognition and the space manipulation of human being. Mackinon(1971) divided the American architects to three ranks according by their architectural creativity, He found that creative architects belong to the intuitive type of by Yung' personality typology, and also the field independent type by Witkirls recognition type. The aim of our research is, first, to make CG simulation to test the ability of spacerecognition instead of the actual experience of architecture. And, second, to make the test batteries of paper test to measure the manipulation ability by mental rotation test the visual transformation test. Third, to analyse between those and the cognitive type (field dependency-independency by Witkin tested by RFT EFT), and Yung's personality type. We found significant relation ship between the CG simulation test and mental rotation test and visual transformation test. And also, we between them and the field independence. For Yurg' persinality type, we found relational possibility of space ability to intuition type.}, pages = {71--78}, title = {空間表象能力の個人差に関する研究}, volume = {27}, year = {2003} }