@article{oai:fukuyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007938, author = {無漏田, 芳信 and 黒原, 義晶 and 片本, 武志}, issue = {2}, journal = {福山大学工学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), The aim of this paper is to investigate the regional zone and the transition of the zone beyond the existing administration area. So, we examined the usual movement of working population of 63 shi, rnachi and mura in Bingo-Bittyu area, that Bingo area in Hiroshima Prefecture borders on Bittyu area in Okayama prefecture, through Population Census of Japan in 1975 and 1990. And we analysed the ratio of population on place to work of employed persons to population on usual place of residence, principal place they moved from other places of residence, and the similarity of the ratio of the usual movement of working population through the hierarchy cluster analysis. (1) In most of 63 municipalities, the rate of self-sufficiency, that is, the ratio of population to work in municipality of residence has decreased during 15 years and the place to work of employed persons has been in larger area. (2) The zones of strongest sucking force in Bingo-Bittyu area are Fukuyama City and Kurashiki City. They have been two nuclei of regional structure in Bingo-Bittyu area and have soaked up much of the employee in the zone of weak sucking force. (3) We could indicate the structual transition of the zone on prefectural border, that the zone composition has became to separate the municipalities of Hiroshima Prefecture from the municipalities of Okayama Prefecture.}, pages = {45--50}, title = {備後・備中地方における通勤移動圏域の構造的変容に関する研究}, volume = {18}, year = {1995} }