@article{oai:fukuyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007902, issue = {1}, journal = {福山大学工学部紀要}, month = {Sep}, note = {P(論文), This paper described a new visualizing method of streamlines around a body in hypersonic flows. The new visualizing method is based on the following ideas; when an electric discharge is generated across a shock wave and it is continued, the electric discharge column is being drifted because of the flow. In this case, there occurs a radiation contrast along the streamline passing through the intersection of the shock wave and the initial spark discharge. The streamline is made visible by taking the photograph of the drifting discharge column. In this paper, the visualization of a streamline around a wedge has been tried and the visualized result has been compared with the theoretical wedge flow in order to verify the usefulness of the result obtained by the present method. From this comparison, it has been proved that the present visualizing method is available for the visualization of streamlines around hypersonic vehicles. Moreover, the visualization of a streamline around a hypersonic body whose front part is a wedge and back part is a two dimensional rectangular has been performed by the present method, successfully.}, pages = {105--113}, title = {Original Method for Visualizing Streamlines Around Hypersonic Vehicles}, volume = {17}, year = {1993} }