@article{oai:fukuyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007870, journal = {福山大学工学部紀要}, month = {}, note = {P(論文), This paper has described a new measuring method of the surface pressure distribution around hypersonic vehicles by means of a magnetic tape. This method is based on the following ideas'* When a magnetic tape is placed in a magnetic field, the tape is magnetized. The magnetization strength is related to the strength of magnetic field of the place. In a constant magnetic field, if the position of the magnetic tape changes, the magnetization strength of the tape, namely, the magnetization quantity of it also changes. This means that the displacement of the tape can be obtained by measuring the magnetization quantity and that the magnetic tape can be utilized as a diaphragm type pressure sensor. Furthermore, this method can be easily applied to the pressure distribution measurements. As the examples of this method, the pressure distributions around the surface of a flat plate and a semicone body with a delta wing have been carried out successfully.}, pages = {133--140}, title = {Improved Method for Measuring Pressure Distribution Around Hypersonic Vehicles by Means of Magnetic Tape}, volume = {15}, year = {1993} }