@article{oai:fukuyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007754, author = {谷口, 興紀 and 横井, 友幸}, journal = {福山大学工学部紀要}, month = {}, note = {P(論文), We discuss the standardization of input formats in CAI program. In CAI input behavior is a bottle neck for students and in order to break through this, CAI program must be checked by following points, (1) adjustment of hardware environment (2) one character input without hitting carriage return key (3) guide message with blinking : ' hit the return key at the end of input !' (4) controlled input guide message as prompt (5) correction of input error (6) undo-passing of input command, if necessary If these conditions are satisfied, the success probability of CAI program is high.}, pages = {49--55}, title = {建築教育におけるパーソナル・コンピューター利用の可能性について(5) : 入力形式における標準形について}, volume = {11}, year = {1989} }