@article{oai:fukuyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007697, author = {松本, 静夫}, journal = {福山大学工学部紀要}, month = {}, note = {P(論文), Francesco di Giorgio Martini (1439-1501) is one of the trattatist on architecture and military architecture in Italian renaissance. There remain several manusciprts which are his own hand and other's, among which the latest onesircodice Magliabechiano II.1,141 (M) and codice Senese S.IV.4 (S) -reveal his matured way of thinking. Therefore on this paper the relation between his thought and Aristotelian philosophy concerned with these two codices is considered, because there are many phrases cited from Aristotle's Metaphisica, Phisica, Ethics etc. The conclusions of this paper are next ones: 1) His point of view is, generally based on the Aristotelian Philosophy, that the human life is always oriented to the good and the truth in the ordinary life, the real life, not in the world of after death, so his practice and fabrication also oriented to these good and truth. 2) His motif of these manuscripts is to give the universal point of view on architectural theory, so the method is, like Aristotle's, based on the inductive and positive way which is guided from the individual phenomena, individuality to the universal, universality. In this meaning the structure of his manuscripts has, influenced by the medieaval Christian teology, the dual polar structure, but also has the dynamic and open structure. 3) The meaning of his term "l'arte antigrafica" is the art to give principles on the architectural theory, both on the theory and technology, criticizing the phenomenal problems.}, pages = {122--128}, title = {フランチェスコ ディ・ジョルジョ マルティーニの都市、建築論とアリストテレス哲学との関連性について(開学10周年記念号)}, volume = {7}, year = {1985} }