@article{oai:fukuyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007525, author = {小谷, 知也 and 源河, 輝久 and 伏見, 浩 and 林, 雅弘}, journal = {福山大学生命工学部研究年報, Annual report of Faculty of Life Science and Biotechnology, Fukuyama University}, month = {Sep}, note = {P(論文), 植え継ぎ及び連続方式で培養したシオミズツボワムシBrachionus plicatilis(以下ワムシ)を栄養強化後の脂肪酸の取り込みにより質的に比較した。植え継ぎ培養は3日周期で植え継ぎを行い、初期収容密度を800個体/mLとした。粗放連続培養法を改変した方法で連続培養を実施し、培養を行う水槽(以下培養槽)と培養槽から流出した培養を収容する水槽(以下収穫槽)を使用した。培養密度が1,000個体/mLを維持するように設定した。植え継ぎ培養からはワムシ接種後1時間後、24時間後、48時間後のワムシを栄養強化に用いた。連続培養では培養槽及び収穫槽からワムシを収穫し二次培養(栄養強化)に用いた。栄養強化は、Nannochloropsis oculataを給餌して24時間培養する区と、市販栄養強化剤(以下栄養強化剤)を用いて8時間培養する区を設定した。栄養強化を行わない区も設定した。栄養強化後、脂質を抽出し、ガスクロマトグラフィーにより脂肪酸組成を分析した。栄養強化を行わなかった区では連続培養で生産したワムシの方が脂質含量が多くなった。N. oculataで栄養強化した区では、ARAおよびEPA含量が連続培養からの試料で多くなる傾向があった。一方、栄養強化剤で栄養強化した区では、ARA、EPAおよびDHA含量が〓植え継ぎ培養の接種24hr後及び連続培養収穫槽からの試料で多くなる傾向があった。したがって、脂肪酸取り込みの効率は〓連続培養で生産したワムシの方が植え継ぎ培養のワムシよりも高かった。, It is important to evaluate the effect of the primary cultivation method of rotifers on the secondary cultivation as nutritional enrichment. So far, various methods of rotifer cultivation have been developed. Recently, mainly two methods are performed, batch or continuous culture. This study aimed to clarify the fatty acid contents after the nutritional enrichment in order to evaluate the quality of rotifers cultured with different methods. Two primary rotifer cultures were performed using batch or continuous methods. From the batch culture, three experimental populations were used; they were taken from the culture one, 24 and 48 hour after inoculation of the rotifers. The continuous culture was performed with two tanks; one was for cultivation with continuous feeding and water supply (cultivation tank), and another was for stocking from cultivation tank by over flow (harvest tank). From the continuous culture, two experimental populations were used from the cultivation and harvest tanks. Secondary cultures were performed after each primary culture and each rotifer population was nutritionally enriched with Nannochloropsis oculata and a commercial nutritional enrichment diet. After secondary culture, the fatty acid contents of each population were analyzed using gas chromatography. Although there was no significant difference of lipid quantity among primary rotifer cultures, in both cases of secondary culture, total n-3 HUFA quantity from both continuous culture populations was higher than that from batch culture population one and 48 hour after inoculation. When the enrichment was performed with N. oculata, rotifer populations from the two tanks of continuous culture and the batch culture tank 24 hour after inoculation contained a higher quantity of ARA and EPA than those from the two other samples taken from the batch culture. When the enrichment was performed with enrichment diet, populations from the two tanks of continuous culture and the sample taken 24 hour after inoculation from the batch culture tank contained higher quantities of ARA, EPA and DHA than those from the two other samples taken from the batch culture.}, pages = {35--49}, title = {シオミズツボワムシの栄養強化成績に対する一次培養の方法と個体群増殖フェーズの影響}, volume = {6}, year = {2007} }