@article{oai:fukuyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007473, author = {阪本, 憲司 and 村上, 奈巳}, journal = {福山大学附属内海生物資源研究所報告}, month = {Dec}, note = {P(論文), 藍藻Synechocystis sp. SY-4の好適培養液組成および好適接種密度を検討した。その結果,海水(10‰)1l当たり,硫安80mg,過燐酸石灰10mg,Clewat-32 6mgおよび尿素7.5mgを施肥した培養液で最も高い増殖率が得られた。また,効率的に培養を行うための好適接種密度は,10×10^4cells ml^<-1>と推察された。Synechocystis sp. SY-4の各増殖相における細胞成分を分析した結果,静止期初期に蛋白質および炭水化物の各含量が最も高くなり,各々50%,13%/cell dry-weightであった。一方,脂質含量は,対数期後期で最も高くなり,12%/cell dry-weightであった。また,各増殖相における脂肪酸組成を分析した結果,対数期から静止期への移行に連れて16:1n-7の割合は増加する傾向にあったが,16;0,18:0,18:2n-6および18:3n-3の割合は減少する傾向にあった。, The optimum medium components and appropriate inoculum cell density for the mass culture of Synechocystis sp. SY-4 were examined. The highest growth rate of this alga was obtained in Oita medium. The optimum medium components for the growth of this alga were 80 mg of ammonium sulfate, 10 mg of calcium perphosphate, 6 mg of Clewat-32 and 7.5 mg of urea per liter of seawater (10‰). The appropriate inoculum density of this alga to give the maximum cell density was 10×10^4 cells ml^<-1>. Furthermore, the boichemical composition (protein, carbohydrate, lipid and fatty acid) of Synechocystis sp. SY-4 at the various growth phases was investigated. The maximum protein and carbohydrate contents were 50 % and 13 % of cell dry-weight, respectively, at the early-stationary phase. On the other hand, the maximum lipid content (12 % of cell dry-weight) was observed at the late-logarithmic phase. Thus, the algal cells containing high amounts of protein, carbohydrate and lipid were found to be produced effectively at the late-logarithmic or early-stationary phase. The percentage of 16:In-7 and those of some other fatty acids comprising 16:0, 18:0, 18:2n-6 and 18:3n-3 tended to increase and decrease, respectively, in the later growth phases.}, pages = {19--29}, title = {Synechocystis sp. SY-4の最適培養培地の検討と種々な増殖相における細胞組織}, volume = {8}, year = {1997} }