@article{oai:fukuyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006220, author = {大久保, 勲}, issue = {2}, journal = {福山大学経済学論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), China is now often called "the factory of the world". Can China really be "the factory of the world"? What is lacking in China to become "the factory of the world"? More and more products of high technology are exported from China. However, many of them have been produced by foreign-invested enterprises. The so-called 'Threats of China' have mainly been incurred by those enterprises which made investments to China. Japanese technology is still fairly competitive. We should put much emphasis on the importance of R&D. Recently, it became more important to produce goods at the place near to the customers. Therefore, it may be necessary for some enterprises to make investments to China. Risk control is quite important for them. We have to see the future of the Chinese economic reform as a whole carefully. In the not too distant future, there may be the possibility that China will really be "the factory of the world".}, pages = {85--123}, title = {中国は「世界の工場」といえるか}, volume = {27}, year = {2003} }