@article{oai:fukuyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006015, author = {笠井, 保}, issue = {1}, journal = {福山大学経済学論集}, month = {Jul}, note = {P(論文), The present paper describes some results of a questionnaire on new media and a general consideration on the spread of new media in everyday life containing an examination to the results of the questionnaire. This questionnaire was executed when the author made a lecture on the subject of "New Media in the Living" in two cities of Fukuyama and Innoshima in October 1991, and consists of 19 questions with some ordinary ones. The same investigation relating to several questions carried out about ten years ago. However, since the information sense of inhabitants at the present time has fairly raised compared with the sense at that time, the results of this questionnaire arouse our interest from a viewpoint of comparison and contrast, and they have an important meaning that we were able to know a side view of regional correspondence in an information oriented society. The replies submitted to the questionnaire are arranged into two groups corresponding each of Fukuyama and Innoshima areas, and a group regarded as a unity the both areas. The general points of view to each of the arranged results are given and the future prospects are described generally without making the regional restriction. A matter of great interest among replies obtained from attendants at the meeting for the author's lecture is a problem concerning the spread of high definition television (Hi-Vision) in the future. Some considerations on this problem are stated in fairly detail with the comments on the present situation of Hi-Vision. In the process of the spread of new media in everyday life, it is necessary to consider a losing side arising from their use as well as a convenient side of their media. This problem is also discussed by giving the concrete examples as occasion demands and the several considerations concerning a quality of information, a protection of privacy, a consistent policy of administration and the like are described.}, pages = {49--93}, title = {福山・因島地域におけるニューメディア指向とその一般的考察}, volume = {17}, year = {1992} }