@article{oai:fukuyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005658, author = {秋枝(青木), 美保}, journal = {福山大学人間文化学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of Human Cultures and Sciences, Fukuyama University}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 童話「銀河鉄道の夜」は、一九八〇年代以降、アニメーション化されて若者によく知られるようになり、現代少年少女の教養の一部となっている。二〇〇一年刊行の人気小説「世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ」は、恋愛小説の形をとりながら、実はその若者の教養の上に、互いに愛し合った十代後半の主人公二人が死別に直面し、自らの苦悩を通して死生観を構築していく過程を描いた一種の教養小説である。本論においては、現代社会において構築の困難な死生観を、若者が身近に存在する文学を通して立ち上げる過程を、作品内の表現を分析することを通して論じた。それによって、この小説の教養主義的な性格を明らかにした。, Since 1980s, made into an animation film, "Night of the Milky Way Railroad" has been one of the books of Kyoyo(culture) essential for young people. "Socrates in Love", a popular Love story appeared in 2001, has been provided with Kyoyo-Shugi(-ism) aspects by the quotation from literary works familiar to modern young people in the novel's details. Although main characters, a boy and a girl love each other, the girl's death of disease parts them. The theme of the novel is to describe the process of their confronting the pain of death parting and making their own view of life and death. Discussing what significance reading literary works had in the process, this paper pointed out that a novel "Socrates in Love" has a common conception with the work of Kenji Miyazawa as follows: Giovanni a main character in "Night of the Milky Way Railroad" and the boy overlap, Giovanni witnesses the death of his best friend Campanella, and as the starting point of "Night of the Milky Way Railroad" the author Kenji Miyazawa had a death parting from his beloved sister. In both works, main characters consider such fundamental questions as what death is, whether there is the next world, or whether there is God, and it makes them the works of questioning how the spiritual world should be in the modem developed capitalist society.}, pages = {A1--A17}, title = {宮沢賢治と現代文学 その3 : 「銀河鉄道の夜」と「世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ」における死生観-ジョバンニとカムパネルラの変奏-}, volume = {8}, year = {2008} }