@article{oai:fukuyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005653, author = {三宅, 幹子}, journal = {福山大学人間文化学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of Human Cultures and Sciences, Fukuyama University}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 大学生236名を対象に,場面想定法を用いて,ネガティブな出来事に対する原因帰属と,特性的自己効力感およびホープレスネスとの関係を検討した。分析の結果,男性と女性とでは異なる傾向がみられた。男性においては,特性的自己効力感が低いほど自己保護的な帰属を行う傾向が示された。女性においては,特性的自己効力感が低いほど能力不足を原因と考える傾向がみられた。ホープレスネスと原因帰属との関係は男性においてのみ示され,ホープレスネスが高いほど担当教官へ原因を帰属する傾向がみられた。, Relations of causal attribution of a negative event and generalized self-efficacy, hopelessness were examined. 236 undergraduates were asked to imagine themselves being faced with a negative event and to rate the likelihood of ten probable causes for it and their self-efficacy to deal with it next time. In addition, they filled the Generalized Self-efficacy Inventory and Beck Hopelessness Scale. Results showed that those whose self-efficacy were lower showed more self-serving bias, and that only in female those whose self-efficacy were lower attribute the negative event more to lack of ability. With regard to hopelessness, only in male, those whose self-efficacy were lower attributed the negative event more to teacher.}, pages = {89--97}, title = {ネガティブな出来事に対する原因帰属と特性的自己効力感およびホープレスネスとの関係}, volume = {8}, year = {2008} }