@article{oai:fukuyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005634, author = {吉田, 一衛}, journal = {福山大学人間文化学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of Human Cultures and Sciences, Fukuyama University}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 低学力学習者のリスニングが1回、2回、3回と回数を重ねるにつれ学習効果が上がった。そのうち1回から2回のリスニングの学習効果が高かった。リスニング、ディクテーション、ディクテーションと訳の間に相関があったが、リスニングとリーディングには逆相関があった。低学力者のディクテーションの能力は平均的学力者の1/3であった。ディクテーションでは内容語の方が機能語より学習効果がみられた。, Unsuccessful language learners' listening comprehension improved by increasing the frequency of listening tests. Especially the learning effect became most highest from one to two times. Correlation was found between listening comprehension and dictation, and between dictation and translation, but was not found between listening comprehension and translation. A minus correlation was found between listening comprehension and reading. Unsuccessful language learners' proficiency of dictation was about 1/3 of average language learners.. Content words showed better results than function words in dictation.}, pages = {47--63}, title = {認知的視点からみた低学力学習者のリスニングの特徴}, volume = {7}, year = {2007} }