@article{oai:fukuyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005549, author = {吉永, 昭}, journal = {福山大学人間文化学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of Human Cultures and Sciences, Fukuyama University}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), この論文では、これまですすめてきた個別御家騒動研究の一環として、周防国徳山藩4万5000石、藩主毛利元次治政下で正徳5年 (1715) に起こった徳山藩改易騒動について考察する。この騒動については残された史科が極めて乏しく、ここでは主に騒動記を中心に、本支対立の原因や騒動の内容、その経緯や性格などについて検討を試みることにしたい。, In this paper, the Kaieki Sodo that occurred in Shotoku 5(1715) in Tokuyama clan in Suounokuni was discussed as one of the series of studies on the individual Oie Sodo. Tokuyama clan was in the reign of the lord (Mototsugu MOURI) in those days and held a fief yielding 45, 000 koku. There exists only little historical record about this Oie Sodo. Thus the cause of opposition between head clan and branch clan, process and historical character of this Oie Sodo were disussed mainly from a historical novel "Tokuyamahan Kaieski Sodo Shutaissei" edited by Hionoshin EMURA.}, pages = {A1--A24}, title = {周防国徳山藩改易騒動の研究 : 江村彦之進校編「徳山藩改易騒動集大成」を中心に(人文社会科学編)}, volume = {2}, year = {2002} }