@article{oai:fukuyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005319, author = {石田, 祐三郎 and 満谷, 淳}, journal = {福山大学内海生物資源研究所報告}, month = {Dec}, note = {P(論文), 1960年代から瀬戸内海において著しい漁業被害をもたらしてきた有害有毒赤潮の発生は,人間活動のもたらす海洋汚染に由来する富栄養化が原因の一つであることは周知のことである。むろん,赤潮の発生は富栄養化だけによるのではなく,水温,塩分や気象状況なども重要な要因である。しかし,それらの研究によっても,なおかつ不明な要因があり,赤潮発生および消滅の予測を不確かなものとしている。その不明な要因の主な部分が細菌やウイルスなどの微生物の作用と推定される。ここでは,赤潮消滅に関る微生物の殺藻戦略について,その概要を紹介する。しばしば,赤潮は,ある日突然消滅する。この突然の消滅の主な原因は,炭酸ガス,硝酸などの窒素化合物,リン酸,鉄,ビタミンなどの減少による化学的要因や,強風,波浪などの物理的要因が挙げられているが,近年,赤潮消滅時に赤潮藻を殺滅するウイルス,細菌などの微生物の存在が明らかにされ,研究が急速に進展した。, It is well known that red tide outbreaks are ultimately caused by eutrophication linked to pollution and human changes. Several physical factors such as temperature, salinity, waves depending on the season and sea areas are also involved in the outbreaks. The mechanism of algal red tide outbreaks is so complex that forecasting the occurrence of a harmful algal bloom is not yet possible. One major reason for this is that an algal growth is usually associated with other microorganisms such as viruses or bacteria. In recent years, many studies have been conducted on algal-viral or algal-bacterial interactions, and it is found that algicidal viruses and algicidal bacteria are widely distributed in eutrophic lakes or coastal waters and that their abundance is correlated well with that of red tide causing algae. These results suggest the possibility that algicidal microorganisms contribute to the disintegration of red tides. The prevention of harmful algal red tides by using algicidal microorganisms originally isolated from natural coastal waters as a bioremediator is thought to be a useful technique, because it is expected that these microorganisms hardly disturb the ecological balance of the natural environment. However, it has been very difficult to find an effective way to apply such microorganisms in an open system, e.g., a marine environment. It is necessary to elucidate the ecology of algicidal microorganisms to establish effective application methods based on their ecology.}, pages = {39--50}, title = {有害有毒赤潮藻の消滅に関わる海洋微生物の殺藻戦略}, volume = {9}, year = {1998} }